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100% UP TO NZ$3,500 + 100 FS
Fourth Deposit Bonus

Your feet have climbed high enough up the Olympia to get the fourth welcome bonus of 100% up to NZ$3,500 and 100 free spins. Place a minimum deposit of NZ$45, enjoy your journey and have fun!


  1. Copy code by just clicking the copy icon next to it. You should see the “Copied to clipboard” pop-up in the top right corner of your screen.
  2. Open the deposit window, enter the code and click the “ADD BONUS CODE” button.
  3. Place a minimum deposit of NZ$45.
  4. Instantly receive a 100% bonus on your fourth deposit.
  5. Activate your Free Spins in the Promo section of your account.
  6. Get 20 FS for a day during 5 days in a row, 100 FS total.
  7. Activate/use each 20 FS pack within 24 hrs and don’t cancel the bonus. Otherwise, you won't get the remaining FS packs.
Bonus rules
  1. The bonus is available only with the bonus code FOUR for the fourth deposit. If a player hasn't entered the bonus code while placing the deposit, they will not be eligible to receive the bonus offer.
  2. Minimum deposit: 40 EUR, 40 USD, 45 CAD, 45 AUD, 45 NZD, 50 BRL, 0.001 BTC, 0.08 BCH, 0.014 ETH, 0.28 LTC, 150 DOG, 50 USDT, 400 NOK.
  3. Maximum bonus amount: 3,500 EUR, 3,500 USD, 3,500 CAD, 3,500 AUD, 3,500 NZD, 18,000 BRL, 0.13 BTC, 20 BCH, 2 ETH, 55 LTC, 15,000 DOG, 4,000 USDT, 35,000 NOK.
  4. Maximum winnings from bonus funds: 7,000 EUR, 7,000 USD, 7,000 CAD, 7,000 AUD, 7,000 NZD, 36,000 BRL, 0.26 BTC, 40 BCH, 4 ETH, 110 LTC, 30,000 DOG, 8,000 USDT, 70,000 NOK.
  5. Wagering: 30x. Duration for wagering is 1 day.
  6. Available for 1 day from the time of deposit.
  7. Number of Free Spins granted: 100.
  8. Free spins are issued in the Elvis Frog in Vegas slot from BGaming.
  9. Free Spins Win Cap: 100 EUR, 100 USD, 100 CAD, 100 AUD, 100 NZD, 500 BRL, 0.0025 BTC, 0.18 BCH, 0.03 ETH, 0.65 LTC, 375 DOG, 120 USDT, 1,000 NOK respectively in the currency of the Acceptance deposit.
  10. Wagering Threshold: 20x Free Spins.
  11. Activation Period: 1 day from the time of deposit.
  12. Available for 1 day from the time of activation.
  13. The General Bonus Policy applies.
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